Cool Toppings To Beat The Heat!
Well hello there!
As I write to you the air is flooded with the aroma of our Wild Blueberry waffles and I am also wearing my new and favorite t-shirt from our friends at Wyman’s of Maine. I was so excited to receive a handwritten note AND this soft tee with a GO WILD graphic. I can’t be in Maine this summer due to Covid, but it’s always in my 💙.
Outside my office window I occasionally spot a little chipmunk. I have named her Chippy--I know, not so creative. The sightings have been sporadic yet frequent enough for me to anticipate them and they always make me smile. I recently noticed that she had been absent for too long. I was worried something happened to her (we are adjacent to a busy street) or that she had moved (although no sightings of a moving truck). I let my team know that she was missing and if they spotted her to let me know. I just thought she’d always be out there, running around like a nut (like me most days). Well, this week, Tuesday to be exact, after about 2 weeks missing, I looked outside as I was leaving and there she was! The next thing I knew, I was wearing an enormous smile and was outside taking a photo of her to text to my team that she was ok (because most certainly they would not sleep well otherwise). I wore my smile most of the way home. You know those goofy people we all see at red lights sometimes with smiles? Yeah, that was me. I do think it is truly the little things at this moment in life that we all need to find, savor and be grateful for.
Thank you for your orders this past week. It’s always exciting to see the stacks of yellow boxes heading your way. I also want to thank those of you that experienced FedEx hiccups with us this week for your patience and kindness as we helped to resolve issues. I always want our waffles to just get to you, your freezer and your toaster. As I told one customer this week, we are here to give you an outstanding customer experience. Sometimes between the order and your toaster things happen, and we are here to help.
Be well!
Find the joy, share the joy, feel the joy!
With gratitude,
Grateful--- Small Batch --- Made with ❤️