Hello friends! I hope your weekend was restful, although I realize the weekend does not always equal days off. So thank you to those of you that include weekends as part of your work week.
The aroma in my home is incredible as I write. Waffles? 99% of mornings, yes, but it is Father’s Day and my husband loves French Toast. So today I have made my real life version of French Toast. Who wants to stand at a stove flipping individual slices that others are devouring immediately while you do nothing but cook? Years ago French Toast Casserole became my friend and we used to sell pans of it at my market so my clients could bake it at home on holiday mornings. I’ve since landed on a version I like even better and I’m linking the recipe and my changes below. I think of it as giving my toaster a day off a few days of the year. I probably have the hardest working toaster in America! We all leave at different morning times, but yes, we toast waffles every day at our home.
It’s Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there and all the mom’s doing double duty and uncles and others that step in to sometimes fill the void. It can be a difficult day for some that have lost a parent, so know you are in my thoughts today too. We are heading to the beach. Seems funny to write that in landlocked OH but today we will venture out to a lake we’ve never visited and find a little sand, sun and water. I’m packing a picnic, taking a frisbee and a ball and off we will go. It’s easier to take off as my kids get older. I think back (with laughter) at all the very stressful departures with littles when I likely left in tears and already tired. Where is the favorite toy? Do we need to hook up the movie players? Did you pack extra clothes? How many snacks did you pack? And on, and on….(chuckle). As I get glimpses of these days in photos, it can bring tears to my eyes. Our parental journey is every part, not just the perfectly set table at Father’s Day breakfast. It’s all the little moments, crazy, silly, tender and annoying, through all the years, tied up with a bow of sweet emotion.
Wishing you a great start to your week. Look for where you can insert compassion into our very unsettled world. Smile, listen, read to learn what others are trying to say, be patient and be kind. I write this to you and as a reminder to myself.
Joyfully obsessed, Stacie
Father's Day | Small Batch | Made with ️❤️